Wikidata in prometheus

Online, the open, free, multilingual and secondary database Wikidata for collecting structured data can be created and maintained by everyone together. Last year, we also initially added Wikidata search links integrated to prometheus and a few months later the ability to add the associated Wikidata ID to each image at the artist’s fields.

By the way, clicking on the pencil also allows you to make a correction. The edit function is planned for the “Title” and “Location” fields too and it will be available in the next weeks.
These Wikidata links, the existing ones and the created ones, will each take you directly from the image archive to the corresponding norm data in Wikidata. And you can search for the Wikidata IDs in prometheus.

If you want to know more about Wikidata, we recommend the next events from our schedule:
05/11/2023 kuwiki: tips & tools #6: Wikidata, online
05/11/2023 How can we use Wikidata & Co. and what do we give back? online
05/17/2023 Wikidata: practice to get started, online